DII® Technology


About Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient that supports blood health and oxygen metabolism. But more than a century of research has built the case that excess iron’s ability to produce large amounts of harmful free radicals in the body can create risk factors for a number of diseases. Research revealed that this iron overload is in fact a key driver of destructive free radicals that do great visible damage to the skin. Due to changes in the body during and after menopause, iron overload is a factor in aging skin.

About DII® Technology

Given that we know about the negative effect of excess iron and the abundant presence of iron in postmenopausal skin, there is a clear need for a skin care product that can safely remove excess, excreted iron from the outer layers of the skin without interrupting normal physio-logical functions.

Here comes the De-Ironizing Inducer® Technology, which establishes a novel class of skincare products and consists of two core components that work together to extract and clear iron from the surface of the skin before it can contribute to the visible signs of aging.

DII technology

Reducing Agent

The first component is the reducing agent, Vitamin C, which has chemical properties that “release” the iron, making it available for exfoliation. This is the most effective and safest way to remove iron from the surface of the skin and reduce the opportunity for the formation of free radicals by reducing the accumulation of iron on the surface of the skin.

Clearing Agent

The second component is the clearing agent. Once the iron is released from ferritin, it can also continue to exert its harmful effect. To prevent this, a natural calcium carbonate with a high buffering capacity is used to clear the released iron so that it cannot cause damage. washed.

DII® Clinical Trial

In a 42-day clinical trial, 30 participants were enrolled in the eye cream study and 31 were enrolled in the study of the face cream. The anti-aging benefits DII® technology were assessed at set evaluation points (immediate, day 3, 7, 14, 28 and 42) using Visual Expert Grading as an objective method and subjectively using panelist self-assessment questionnaire responses. Researchers also performed bioinstrumental measurements on a subset of study participants for skin hydration, elasticity and viscoelasticity in the eye or face (depending on the study) and the inner forearm.

91% of women on day 7 and

100% at final evaluation (day 42) reported:

  • Softer and more hydrated
  • Smoother
  • Healthier looking and feeling

Results of 42-day Clinical Trial

Trained Clinical Evaluator Scores
Hydration Readings
Skin Final Distension
Overall Elasticity
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